The Meghalaya Industrial Grants-In-Aid Rules, 1982
In suppression of all previous Notifications the Governor of Meghalaya is pleased to publish the following' Rules for general information :
1. Short title and commencement.
- These rules may be called the Meghalaya Industrial Grants-in-aid (Non-recurring) Rules, 1982.
- They shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. Aims and Objectives.
- The main objective of the Grants- in-aid is to assist passed out trainees with a set of tools/machines/ working capital.
- The second objective is to strengthen recognised non- Government institutions who are engaged. in conducting regular training courses in various Industrial trades.
3. Eligibility.
- Passed out trainees from departmental training Centres Rural Artisans Programme and TRYSEM and may be extended to those trainees, selected by the Department to undergo training in various Industrial trades as mentioned in Rule (iii) below.
- Institutions recognised by the Directorate of Industries who are conducting regular training courses in various Industrial Trades as mentioned in Rule (iii) below.
- The Industries or Trades for which Grants-in-Aid are normally admissible are listed in the Schedule' A' or as may be added thereto from time to time by.- the Director of Industries, Meghalaya.
4. Limit for Grants.
- Grants-in-Aid for passed out Trainees for purchase of tools and equipment should not exceed Rs. 5, 000/- and for working capital should not exceed Rs. l,000/- per grantee.
- Grants-in-Aid to any recognised non-Government institutions for purchase of machines and equipment should not exceed Rs. 20000 and for working capital should not exceed Rs. l0,000/- per institution.
- Disbursement of the above Grants-in-Aid is subject to the condition that the grantee contributes 10 per cent of the amount sanctioned before disbursement of the grant.
5. Mode of Application and disbursement.
- Application for receiving grants under these rules should be submitted to, the respective District Officers of the Industries Department in the forms prescribed in Schedule 'B' and 'C' annexed to these rules as the case may be. In case of the passed out trainees, the application should be submitted through the heads of the Institutions/ Training Centers
- The District Officer will prepare a list in order of merit (preference being given to trainees from Departmental Training Centre) of all the passed out trainees within his jurisdiction (as covered under Rule 3 (i) who have applied for grants-in-aid. The list should clearly indicate the name and address of the pass out trainee, the trade and the amount recommended for grant-in-a within the limit mentioned above (cash or kind). The list should then be forwarded to the Director of Industries latest by the 1st week of May of each Year.
- For institutions the District Officer will call for applications from the non-government institutions recognised by the Director of Industries only. On receipt of an application, the District Officer will cause an enquiry to be made into the nature and requirement of the grant and will then forward a consolidated Ii of such institutions together with his recommendations to the Director of Industries also latest by the 1st week of May of each year.
6. Method of Selection.
- The Selection of applications for the grants shall be made by the Selection Committee, to be constituted by the Government consisting' of the following members:
Chairman :
- Director of Industries, Meghalaya.
Members :
- One (Representative) Officer from Finance, Meghalaya
- One (Representative) Officer from Industries Department
- One Officer from the Directorate of Technical Education, Meghalaya.
Member-Secretary :
- Joint Director of Industries (dealing with grants-in-aid matters.)
- Consolidated Statements of all the applications bearing the recommendation and other particulars, etc., shall be placed before the Committee for Scrutiny and recommendation of quantum, made of grants to each grantee.
- The selection of the grantees for award of Grants-in-aid and shall be strictly on the basis of merit for each trade confining to the total members in consideration of fund available and provision of these rules.
- On approval of the Selection Committee, necessary sanction will be accorded by the Director of Industries, Meghalaya.
- On receipt of the sanction, the District Officer will distribute the Grants-in-aids as far as practicable in kind to the grantees concerned on receipt of the grantees contribution as mentioned in Rule 4(iii) above. However, before distribution, the grantee should execute an agreement as per specimen at Annexure 'A'
- Accounts of the grantee shall be open for inspection by any officer of the Industries Department or any other officer of the State Government specially authorised by the Director of Industries. The accounts shall also be open for audit by the Examiner of Local Accounts Meghalaya and a copy of the sanction for grants-in-aid should be forwarded to the Examiner of Local Accounts.
- The District Officer should ensure that each grant is properly utilised by the grantee and utilisation Certificate thereof should be sent to the Director of Industries within three months from the disbursement of the grant for onward transmission to the Accountant General, Meghalaya. If any grantee is found to have mis-utilised the grant; he shall have to refund the entire amount of the grant to Government.
- When the grantee has properly utilised the grant for setting up of a small scale industry, the District Officer shall take necessary action to get the unit registered as a small scale unit.
- "Award of the Grants-in-aid" shall be at the discretion of the Government and no grantee shall claim it as matter of right.
- The State Government may in exceptional circumstances for sufficient reasons, which should be recorded, relax the provision of these rules in such manner as may appear to it be just and equitable.
8. General Artisans not covered under these Rules shall be assisted by the Department for financial assistance from financial Institutions.
9. These rules may be modified or amended at any time if and when considered necessary by the Government.
Note: You can download or view the Forms listed below
- Agreement Form
(15 kb)
- Schedule 'B'
(17 kb)
- Schedule 'C'
(28 kb)